Monday, May 2, 2011


I hate not really knowing how to feel. Watching Undercover Boss lastnight, waiting for the emotional ending, and it's interupted by a news brief that that well known asshole piece of shit, bin laden is dead. I had to deal with pissed off kids for 10 minutes, because they wanted to see the ending too, but that's neither here nor there. Within seconds people were announcing all over facebook, the news, and within minutes, the conspiracy theories were coming out. Come on, really???? Can't we just enjoy this small victory for a little while? I'm not saying don't question it, but think of the people that were involved. Our own service members who had to (successfully) try to live through what was destined to be an ugly fire fight. Soapbox Jamie just wants everyone to take a day, take some time to live in the glory of the moment. I'm not celebrating the death of a human, but the death of what that 1 person represents. Our entire country is so deeply effected my fear that having that one little victory may prove to band us all together, if only for a little while. President Obama did the right thing at the right moment, and I can honestly say that I am proud of him, I'm proud of our military, and I really don't want to see this made into an issue about lies, or god, or anything like that. Enjoy this small amount of sunshine in a time when we are all looking for any in the gray clouds of financial and economical despair, and in a couple days if you still aren't satisfied, start your rants!
Ok, back to business. It was a tough day for Wyatt yesterday. He is the one going through the rollercoaster of emotions right now. He loves me, and he hates me. He loves and idolizes his Dad, and because Ebin gets to see his Dad more, I think he resents John a little (although on Johns last trip home he actually sort of warmed up, which was really really nice.) I have Wyatt talking to his counselor at school once a week, and his Dad did have a talk with him about his attitude toward myself and John. I really appreciated that, I need that backup. I know I whine about being alone with the kids, but they are pre-pubesant boys, and if I didn't know better I would think they were fully equipped with little estrogen factories... Bitch and moan, bicker and fight, blah blah blah. They're like 2 monkeys fighting over 1 banana all the time, so having the extra referees is really great! Hillary Clinton was the one that said it takes a village to raise a child, and I can say that I do believe that, it just so happens that my village is a blended family of carnies and circus freaks! We run the gammut of religious and social beliefs, and yet we have all found a way to make it work. And fairly peacfully I might add! I just wish there was more I could do to take away Wyatt's hurt, but I think for now I have struck a fairly good balance. So today is for him, and his brothers! (And America-f*ck yeah!)

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