Saturday, December 17, 2011

Oh the weather inside is frightful

What is it about December that makes people pawn their souls in order to fight other soul sellers for a 50 dollar piece of crap that their kids are going to forget about in a week? Don't get me wrong, I love watching my kids squeal with delight when they open up their gifts, but I am not patient enough to deal with all of the crazies out there. Here we are, 2 weeks past black friday and it only seems that the shoppers personalities are getting blacker. I work at a very busy place, and I am absolutely horrified at how pissed off people get at my coworkers and myself for either not having the deal they want, or not having something in stock. Seriously people get a grip. No one seems to care that after December 25th comes December 26th, when the pawn bill on your brain expires, and you have to return to some kind of normal activity for 364 days. If there is something you want, and you feel like it's that badly needed, why don't you look at the families that have to tell their kids that Santa couldn't find their house this year, or they must have been bad, or whatever the excuse is that is used. Those families might pawn a tv or a ps3, but not once do they lose sight of what's important at this time of year. You have family, you have friends, you have loved ones, and that's a gift that you can't buy. You have people who care, you have a home, heat, cable, phone, internet, the whole shebang. Your fight over a 50 dollar toy was just a waste of love, a waste of real feeling, no matter how heartfelt the gift, you have traded personality for capitalism. Merry friggen' Xmas.
I have family that I wouldn't trade for any Walmart fight in the world. My cousin took me to a concert the other night for free, because she knows that we don't have the money to go, but it was one of my favorite bands. That's amazing. My own Mom has gone through every kind of nonsense with her kids that you can possibly imagine, most recently involving my own household, but she is loving and forgiving, and still willing to make an effort to be a family, where others close to me are not. I'm completely torn apart by the rift right now, I feel pain in ways I've never felt, words were spoken that were absolutely unforgivable, and I've only found out tonight the extent. So I suppose that now all I can do is look forward to my kids being happy this next week, because I'm at a total loss. I realize that I have some very serious desisions to make, and it may screw up everything I have worked toward in Billings, but I won't be put in a position to choose between family members. Now with that said, I am going to bed, on the couch, and hopefully I will get some rest. I think I have finally realized I just can't win.

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