In the grand scheme of things my kids are awesome. I couldn't ask for more as far as that is concerned, but I am coming to realize as a product of my own laziness just how stressful homework can be. Ebin has some needs that I'm not always equiped to deal with, and Cyndi tries to help but she doesn't really have the structural background to help him in certain situations. Today we have spelling words, all with punctuation, and the poor kid can't grasp why an apostrophe might go somewhere. He doesn't have the best coping skills when he gets frustrated. At this moment he is crying because he can't spell Weren't. He is too hyper to pay attention to the small details and he gets so frustrated that he tries to pull out his hair, cries, and yells... a lot. (as you can tell by many of my own posts spelling isn't always my forte either, but I have the capability for figuring it out with my very wise 32 years...) I'm watching him freak out over nothing nearly every day. It may not even be homework, he finds things that just freak him out, and I feel terrible. Luckily I have a therapist, and soon he will too. Also I hate math. I'm sooooo bad at math, when I try, my behavior turns into something close to what Ebin does when he is frustrated. I find it hard to believe that kids this young have hours of homework, I understand the reason, but geez, they're just kids, it can't be easy to know that you have 3 hours of homework after 7 hours of trying at school. So we climb this ladder hoping to keep the kids as caught up as they can, and one way or another we will win.
Oh yeah, you know I mentioned that Therapist earlier. She is truly awesome, and as it turns out the crazy is backing off... and I'm learning to be less of a doormat and more of a regular person. John and I have our arguments like any other couple does, but sometimes I feel like I'm just fighting a one sided battle. As it turns out (according to her) I'm learning more and more how to deal with these frustrations, rather than backing down. Now to be fair, she has met my husband, and has kind of an idea how he opporates. She is really proud that I am taking the steps I need to to be a better, healthier person. The one thing that I really wanted to address is that the meds I'm on have made me gain back all of the weight that I worked so hard to lose. She told me that a lot of people won't take the meds because of the weight side effects alone, but I'm not willing to risk my family and my kid's futures over some pounds. I'm going to work hard, lose the weight again, and then some, and make it all work. You know what??? Today was a good day!
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